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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Transaction processing is a process wherein a bunch of data is managed by a system. This includes different types of transactions, such as reserving airline tickets, processing credit cards and others. Batch transaction processing has the same idea but it deals with multiple transactions that are executed by a computer. It is set up so that a bunch of data is processed by the computer without any human interaction.
Here is how batch processing works:
·           Batch Processing - Batch processing is the processing of multiple credit card transactions all at the same time. A credit card processor system works with all the transactions without the need for human interaction in doing the job. Batch processing is useful for tellers as it is more convenient to settle different credit card transactions all at the same time without having to worry about it.
·           Using Your Credit Card - When you use your credit card to purchase or pay for products and services that you need, the transaction process for your purchases is monitored. This is the case for most banking companies, including Visa processing. The transaction system is the one that processes your credit card.
·           Credit Card Batch Processing - After you have purchased something using your credit card, it will be transacted into the processing system of the bank. You are not billed for each of your purchases using the credit card. Instead, you are given one bill with all the purchases that you have made. The bill is done that way because of batch processing. It accumulates all your purchases and puts them in one billing statement when the billing time arrives. This cycle is repeated for each month of the year.
Some benefits of batch processing:
·          Convenience - Batch processing is more convenient for bank tellers. This is because they do not need to do transactions online for each purchase but instead, one whole statement that has different transactions. They also have more time accommodating customers as batch processing machines do not need to be operated by a person in order to work.
·          Same Money - Making transactions for each bill has a minimal expense but if you process a lot of them, the fees will pile up and you will see a big difference in expenses. Batch processing makes the transaction fees nominal as fewer resources are used for batch processing instead of individual processing.
·          Efficiency - Transactions in a batch statement are easier to find. This is helpful if you are trying to find a particular purchase or if you have a problem with a transaction. You will only have to find the transaction in 1 statement rather than going through plenty of statements.
This is how batch transaction works and some of the benefits that come with batch transaction. Batch transaction processing is not only meant for credit cards. It also deals with a lot of other transactions that are as important.

Batch Processing in the Google Data Protocol

Batch processing gives you the ability to execute multiple operations in one request, rather than having to submit each operation individually.

Note: To perform batch operations, you need to be using a recent version of your Google Data API client library. Batch operations are not supported by the JavaScript client library.


1.                  Audience
2.                  Introduction
3.                  Submitting a batch request
4.                  Writing a batch operations feed
5.                  Handling status codes
6.                  Example batch operations and status feeds


    <batch:operation type="insert"/>
    ... what to insert ...
    <batch:operation type="update"/>
    ... what to update ...
    <batch:operation type="delete"/>
    ... what to delete ...
    <batch:operation type="query"/>
    ... what to query ...

Using a GData batch feed, you can collect multiple insert, update, delete, and query operations, and then submit and execute them all at once.
For example, the following feed includes four operations:
he service will perform as many of the requested changes as possible and return status information that you can use to evaluate the success or failure of each operation.
The service attempts to execute each of the operations within a batch, even if some of the operations included in the batch do not succeed.

Submitting a batch request

<feed xmlns=...
  <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed"
  <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post"
  <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#batch"

A batch request should be sent as an HTTP POST to a batch URL. Different feeds support different batch operations. Read-only feeds only support queries.
To discover whether a given feed supports batch operations, you can query the feed. If the feed contains a "batch" link relation at the feed level, this indicates that the feed supports batch operations.
A "batch" link relation is a <link> element with rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#batch". The href attribute of the link relation defines the URL where feed documents for batch operations may be posted.
For example, if you execute: GET http://www.google.com/base/feeds/items (the regular Google Base "items" feed), you might get the following response:
n this example, the batch URL is http://www.google.com/base/feeds/items/batch


At the end of each pay period, a business needs to pay its employees. A payroll system uses a computer to calculate the wages of each employee, print out pay-slips and record the information for accounting purposes.

Input : This may come from ...
  • a database of employees details (salaries, pay rates, bonus rates etc)
  • if employees are paid by the hour then timesheets would be used to input and validate the number of hours worked and number of hours overtime. (possibly using OMR or OCR techniques)

Process : The computer needs to calculate ..
  • the gross amount earned by each employee.
  • any bonuses
  • any deductions such as tax, national insurance etc
  • the net amount earned by each employee.

Output : The computer would need to ..
  • print pay-slips with amounts and deductions (using pre-printed stationery)
  • update the employee database.
  • output details of payments to BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Service) to pay money directly into employees' bank accounts.
  • print summary reports.

A Payroll system is usually run as a batch processing system. Data may be entered for a number of departments or branches of a company and then the processing is done when all the data has been collected.
As there is no urgency for the output, the payroll processing may be run at off-peak times (e.g. overnight).

The database of the employees and the time sheets will need to be kept secure from unauthorized access. (Employees must not be able to alter their data!)
The employee database is updated in the payroll process. A backup copy of the database is made before this is done.
The new database is called the 'son' and the backup is the 'father'. Previous generations of backups are referred to as 'grandfather' etc...

 for detail information, go to this site:


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